Home Gadgets Wi-Fi Calling Not Working on Android

Wi-Fi Calling Not Working on Android

Everyone has been using mobile devices to make phone calls for a long time. And during this period, we have seen so many technologies coming before us. Every new generation of mobile network technology comes out to be better than the previous one, and it tries to improve to provide a better calling quality to the users.

And there is one cool feature available on everybody’s mobile these days, that is Wi-Fi calling. Many users started using it and have benefited from it as it offers a steadier and better call quality than 4G and 5G mobile networks. But if you are facing an issue with Wi-Fi calling on your Android device, read this article carefully. We will guide you on how to fix this issue.

A brief about Wi-Fi calling and how it works?

If you do not know how this technology works, let us tell you in brief. From the user’s perspective, Wi-Fi calls are just like regular calls. However, there is a difference in Wi-Fi calling in that the call is routed to the Wi-Fi network instead of your mobile service provider’s network. Have you experienced at least one time when your mobile network coverage is weak? If not, you must try because you may miss an emergency call. Nowadays, almost every smartphone has this feature built-in. Wi-Fi calling is a great option to make or receive calls when the mobile network is down, called Voice over LTE.

When your Wi-Fi calling is enabled on your device, the phone call will automatically identify the strongest network available after you dial. In most cases, your mobile carrier will treat Wi-Fi calls as if they were regular calls. So, typically, there will be no additional fees for this feature, but the call minutes of your Wi-Fi calling will be deducted from your mobile plan monthly.

How do you enable Wi-Fi calling on your phone?

To enable Wi-Fi calling, you need to do it manually. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Goto Settings option.
  • Tap on Network and Internet options.
  • Here, you need to tap on the SIM card name that you are using.
  • Once you adjust all the settings related to the SIM card, look at the WIFI calling feature and enable it.

Note: If you don’t find this Wi-Fi calling option, then your phone does not support this feature. Even if you find this feature but you are unable to turn it on, maybe your mobile network carrier doesn’t support it. You can clear this issue by calling the customer care provider and collecting the information.

5 Fixes for Wi-Fi calling not working on Android:

For the users who were able to use the WI-FI calling feature in the past and are unable to use this feature anymore for some reason. Here are some ways to fix the issue:

  • To fix any problem related to the network or with your mobile device, the easiest way is to restart the devices. Since it is related to the WI-FI network, you need to try to restart your Wi-Fi router as well, as it will reset the network and might solve the issue.
  • In some cases, mobiles are not generally switched over Wi-Fi from cellular networks due to some reasons. In this case, resetting the cellular network might help you to solve this problem. To do this, simply enable the Airplane mode. This will block the cellular network and stop the SIM cards from functioning. Wait for 1 minute and disable the Airplane mode, and your SIM cards will return to life. This will reset your device’s mobile network and may fix the issue.
  • Suppose the Airplane mode doesn’t reset the cellular network. Then, you can simply try reinserting the SIM card on your device. Before pulling out the SIM card, switch off your mobile, remove the SIM card, wait for a minute, and insert the SIM card. And switch on your device.
  • Even though it doesn’t work, try doing Reset Network Settings. To do this, follow the instructions:
  1. Open the SETTINGS option on your device.
  2. You will find the System Option; tap on it and Goto Reset options.
  3. In the Reset options, tap on Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.
  4. Now, tap on the Reset Settings Button.
  5. If your device is locked with the password, enter it and Continue.
  6. Once done with the settings, reconnect your device to your Wi-Fi connection and check whether the issue has been resolved.
  7. Above all, methods are good enough to fix the problem even though if you are facing the problem, then there is something wrong with the WI-FI network. To test out if your network has some fault, you can try to connect to some other Wi-Fi network and check if the features work or not.


Hope this article helped you in fixing the problem. Enjoy the Wi-Fi calling feature, and it is beneficial in many ways.

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